2020 Pandemic Emergency Response Fund

In the spring of 2020, the foundation established an Emergency Response Fund to provide grants to nonprofits in San Miguel and Mora Counties in times of special need. 

During 2020 this fund provided $11,425 in two rounds of grants to address critical gaps in charitable nonprofit services during the coronavirus pandemic. Our board approved $5,000 in foundation funds as seed money for the first round of grants and solicited additional funds from the community. 

Ten nonprofit organizations received funding, many in both rounds of grants. Organizations in Las Vegas, the Pecos Valley and Mora received amounts ranging from $500 to $1,800 to provide services to those in need.

Eighteen area donors contributed to the Emergency Response Fund in 2020.

We also helped promote the Santa Fe Community Foundation’s COVID-19 Response Fund during the health crisis. A portion of that fund’s million dollars in donations went to several nonprofit organizations in our area. 

In addition to these efforts, The New Mexico Governor’s Office established the All Together NM Fund in conjunction with the New Mexico Coalition of Community Foundations to help New Mexico respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Grants from this fund were available in all parts of the state, including San Miguel and Mora.

2020 Emergency Fund Awardees

Comedor de San Pascual $1,500

El Valle Community Center $1,000

HOPE $1,000

Las Vegas Community Soup Kitchen $1,500

Las Vegas First Independent Business Alliance $  500

Main Street de Las Vegas $  500

Meadow City Academy of Music $1,325

Mora Valley Community Health $  500

Samaritan House $1,500

Visiones Collaborativas $1,500

Donor Directed Grants

Comedor de San Pascual $  300        

Samaritan House $  300