Robert Mishler Memorial Fund

April 28, 1937 – May 24, 2020

With the 2020 passing of Bob Mishler, the foundation’s founding board chairman and guiding light, our board members explored ways to honor Bob’s memory and continue his efforts toward, “Helping Las Vegas Thrive”. 

Starting a Bob Mishler Memorial Fund within the foundation was an obvious first step, but not very tangible. Completing Bob’s dream of restoring the historic Gordons Jewelry street clock became a way of visibly recognizing Bob’s contributions to the community.

Bob and his wife Ann raised their sons Thomas and David in Las Vegas, where he was a New Mexico Highlands University anthropology professor.  Bob was also chair of the Friends of City  Las Vegas Museum Board, a member of the Historic Districts Design Review Board and the Citizens Committee for Historic Preservation.

So far, 64 donors from 13 states have contributed $16,635 to the memorial fund.  A portion of the money donated went to restore the Gordons clock. 

Part of the fund goes to an award program to honor individuals who have devoted years to improving life in San Miguel and Mora County communities.

The first Bob Mishler Community Impact Award went to retired educator Rosalie Lopez., who has been instrumental in the formation of several local charitable organizations:

The current Samaritan House Homeless Shelter, First Born of Northern New Mexico, and HOPE, which enables older people to live in their own homes as long as possible instead of having to move to a care home.

In addition, the award committee created a “Spirit of Philanthropy” award to honor, “a person young enough that it couldn’t be said that his or her entire life has yet been devoted to service.” That award went to Olivia Silva, owner of Olivia’s Café.

Donations to the Bob Mishler Memorial Fund are still accepted online here or by mail to Las Vegas New Mexico Community Foundation, PO Box 1002, Las Vegas, New Mexico 87701.

Gordon’s Clock Project

Bob Mishler was well aware of the historic value of the Gordons Jewelry clock on Douglas Avenue. A Gordons clock was first installed by jewelry store owner R.G. Gordon in the mid-1930s.

When the furnishings of the store and the clock went up for sale in 2013, Bob simply couldn’t stand by and see the familiar landmark gone from the site – and perhaps gone forever from public view in Las Vegas. He quickly purchased the clock and started the long process of  restoring it.

When Bob died in May 2020, the clock face was in good condition, with the sheet metal casing nearly repainted by Rudy Lovato of Sapello Sign Company. But, much remained to be done. The foundation board decided that the Bob Mishler Memorial Fund’s first project would be completing the restoration and reinstalling the clock. 

Completing the clock project involved cooperation of Bob Mishler’s estate (owner of the clock), the City of Las Vegas (right of way, maintenance and insurance) and Medicus Medical Billing and Consulting (electric service to the clock) as well as several individuals and businesses. The clock was successfully reinstalled January 3, 2021.